ComPair - Quick Start Guideimage/svg+xmlComPair - Quick Start Guide08/2020cubAIxEN ComPair Compare documents, in any formats, in any languages Quick start guide cub[AI] x cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 Table of contents 1 Download and install ComPair.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Document comparison...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 3 Alignment edition............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 4 HTML export.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 5 TMX export....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 contact@cub AI http://cub AI cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 1 Download and install ComPair ComPair will enable you to compare 2 documents before/after a correction or before/after a translation. It produces comparison reports, that can be sent by email, to discuss your work with your customers, your translators, your partners, or your lawyers. ComPair is a universal document comparer, to be installed on your computer: It compares two versions of a document, If needed in two different file formats, In the same language or in two different languages. All common office file formats are accepted, including PDF scanned documents. All languages are processed (languages can be added on demand in the selectors). contact@cub AI http://cub AI cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 2 Document comparison Remark: to compare PDF documents, you will obtain better results when converting them as DOCX before comparison. For this, the best is certainly to use a dedicated software, including an OCR (for example, Abbyy or Nuance products). MS Office, in its latest versions, is a quite good PDF to DOCX converter (without OCR). Launch ComPair, you should get this blank window: contact@cub AI http://cub AI cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 Click on the first two buttons to select the language for each of your documents to be compared: Click/check the “OCR” button if you want to enable the text extraction from images in scanned PDF documents (need the free Tesseract OCR to be installed). Click/uncheck the “Fast mode” button if you want to compare large documents with important differences (several pages changed, added, or removed). contact@cub AI http://cub AI 1 2 cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 Click on the “1/2” button : contact@cub AI http://cub AI 3 cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 It should open a file selector. Select the first file to be compared, and click the “Open” button: contact@cub AI http://cub AI 4 5 cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 It should open a second file selector. Select the second file to be compared, and click the “Open” button: contact@cub AI http://cub AI 6 7 cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 After a short calculation time, the comparison result should appear with color highlighting: Colors are showing elements you should certainly look at with more attention. They don’t highlight something especially good or bad, it depends on your texts: GREEN: identical text BLUE: identical text with case differences RED: spacial text objects (capitalized, punctuation, number, ..) without a found corresponding pair You can enter some text in the search bar to limit the comparison table on lines containing this text, with or without being case sensitive. contact@cub AI http://cub AI cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 You may choose how to view the tags, especially for HTML/XML file comparison: contact@cub AI http://cub AI cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 3 Alignment edition You may edit the alignment: Possible actions: click on the small new icon on the middle to remove a text association click on a single text on one side to select/deselect it SHIFT+click on a text on the same side to fuse several segments together, or on a text on the other side to create a new association contact@cub AI http://cub AI cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 4 HTML export The HTML export button will enable you to create a comparison file to share with someone. This file can be sent by email. contact@cub AI http://cub AI cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 This exported file can be opened with a simple web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, ..): contact@cub AI http://cub AI cub[AI] x ComPair – Quick start guide V2 - 08/2020 5 TMX export The TMX export is useful for translators and translation agencies, to enrich their translation memories. contact@cub AI http://cub AI ComPair installer for Windows can be downloaded here: This documentation is available here:
  1. Title
  2. TOC
  3. Download and install
  4. Document comparison
  5. Select languages
  6. Open documents
  7. Open document 1
  8. Open document 2
  9. Comparison result
  10. View XML tags
  11. Alignment edition
  12. HTML export
  13. HTML comparison file
  14. TMX export
  15. Links